ActiveNav Cloud Support Service Policy

  1. Purpose
    • This Policy describes the support that ActiveNav will provide the customer and the service levels it will achieve in relation to its use of ActiveNav’s cloud-hosted Services.
    • Unless separately defined, any terms in this Policy will have the meaning attributed to them in ActiveNav’s Subscription Services Agreement for the provision of the Services

  2. Scope
    • The Support Services shall consist of:
      • Technical support in relation to the Customer's use of the Services ("Technical Support").
      • Regularly scheduled updates and upgrades in relation to the Service.
    • Technical Support shall consist of:
      • Email support to the customer Administrator during business hours
      • Remote investigation, using suitable web conferencing technology, of defects in the Services which are reported by the customer Administrator (“defects”).
  1. Customer's Obligations
    • ActiveNav shall have no obligation to provide Technical Support in relation to any defect which arises from:
      • The customer’s use of the Services other than in accordance with the documentation and the terms.
      • Use by the customer of the Services in connection with any hardware, software or networks not supported by ActiveNav for use in connection with the Services.
      • Any failure or misconfiguration of the customer’s hardware, software, networks, internet connection, or telecommunication links.
      • Operator error.
    • The provision of Technical Support shall be subject to the customer ensuring that:
      • Requests for support are only submitted by or via the customer Administrator
      • ActiveNav is provided with access to the Customer’s data, personnel, and facilities as reasonably required to provide Technical Support.
  1. Service Levels
    • Service Availability
      • The customer acknowledges that ActiveNav will be entitled to interrupt the Services in order to carry out necessary maintenance.
      • ActiveNav may carry out the following maintenance of the Services:
        • during a daily window of 3 am to 7 am ET; and
        • anytime outside business hours, provided that ActiveNav has given the customer no less than 4 business hours prior notice
      • ActiveNav shall use its reasonable endeavors to provide an uptime availability as defined in the subscription services agreement except where the loss of services is caused by:
        • Maintenance
        • Outages caused by the Customer or a third party
        • A Force Majeure Event; or
        • ActiveNav suspending or terminating the customer’s access to the Services in accordance with the Subscription Services Agreement.
      • Technical Support
        • ActiveNav shall use its reasonable endeavors to respond to requests for support from the customer administrator within the following response times
        • The priority of each defect will be determined by ActiveNav, guided by the views of the customer Administrator.
Defect Priority Description Response Corrective Work Starts
Critical A problem that causes a total or significant failure of the Service or is endangering customer data 2 business hours 4 business hours
High A problem that, without correction, limits a key functionality of the service and has a business impact on the customer. 4 business hours 2 business days
Routine A problem that does not prevent the use of the service or for which a viable workaround can be provided. 2 business days Not applicable
  1. Complaints and escalation
    • All concerns about the quality of service received or failure to comply with these Service Levels should be reported to ActiveNav’s Product Support Manager without delay. The Product Support Manager will attempt to resolve the concern, escalating as necessary to ActiveNav’s Chief Technology Officer.