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  2. Cloud
  3. Data Visualization and Scores

Compliance View

The Compliance Home Page offers a different view from the Administrator and Analyst Home Pages. The purpose of the Compliance Home Page is to provide a data map of your Data Centers by grouping hosts by their geolocation.

  • Streamline the data being viewed to one Location or all Locations. 
  • Pin Multiple Locations on the view for a  side-by-side comparison.
  • Explore the Object Type Distribution and Scores in the details tab.
  • Export host level details to comma separated tables.

1. All Managed Objects

Hover Locations on the top left of the screen; the All Managed Objects panel will display the ScoresSummary, and Object Distribution for all Locations combined.

Tip - This panel can be pinned to the map by clicking the icon in the top right.

Clicking in the panel will open the details panel to the right, where you can view the heatmap/scores and export the data to a .csv file. See Details for further information.

2. Managed Objects by Location

Selecting a location on the map displays the managed objects for that Location; each panel can be pinned to the map by clicking the icon in the top right.

The location panels provide insights into your Data Center, showing the Objects, Hosts, and Data Sources. The selected Data Centers can be configured to display the SummaryScores, and Object Distribution (Object Type, Object Age, and Object Age). See Settings for further information on hiding/displaying these items on the panels.

NOTE: If you have a Custom Scoring Configuration, that will also be displayed in the Business Unit Details below the Baseline Scoring Configuration. See Scores Overview for further information.

Data Center Panels

You can pin multiple Data Centers to the view by clicking the pin icon in the top right corner of the Data Center panel. Pinning multiple Data Centers to the map enables you to perform an overview comparison of your Data Centers from any location (the panels are draggable, making a side-by-side comparison easy).

Object Age New (Last 30 days), Active (30-730 days), Stale (anything older than Active), and Suspect (future dates and default generated system dates). 
Object Size Displays a count of how many objects in each size range are present in the data center.
Object Type File type, e.g., Word Processing, Page Layout, Spreadsheet, E-Mail, etc.

3. Details

The Details tab looks more closely at the currently selected Location and can be exported to a .csv file from here.

The screenshot below shows the Object Age Distribution (table) and the Scores (heatmap) for Privacy GDPR CCPA in the Southampton Location.

Tip: Hovering over a circle in the heatmap will display the score inside it, as shown in the screenshot above (General Records, 16).

  • Scores/Scored Object Count can be viewed by heatmap/table by toggling the Compliance-HeatMap-Table-Toggle heatmap/table buttons.
  • Objects can be displayed by Age DistributionSize, or Type.
  • Scores can be displayed by Scores or Scored Object Count.

Object Type Distribution

The Object Type Distribution can be toggled to display by Object Age or Object Size. 

Heat Map Description
Object Size Distribution Displays the number of objects within each size range for each host at the selected geographic location.
Object Age Distribution Displays the number of objects with each age category for each host at the selected geographic location.
Object Type Distribution Displays the number of objects for each type, e.g., Word document, Spreadsheet, etc. at the selected geographic location.


The Scores can be toggled to display by Score or Scored Object Count. 

Heat Map Description
Score Displays the scores for each host at the selected geographic location. The score brings together the number of features of interest discovered across all the objects at each host.
Scored Object Count Displays how many objects have at least one matching feature associated with each score definition and host for the selected geographic location.

4. Map Controls

In the top right corner of the map, there are four buttons that allow you to control the map. Zoom in (+) and out (-) buttons, a re-center button and a settings button.

Button Description




Zoom in and out.




Re-center the map to show all locations on the screen


Settings to control the behavior of the map.

5. Settings

Clicking the Map Settings icon displays the settings panel. From here, you can configure Locations and Panels (everything is enabled by default:



  • Show/hide Empty Location panels.
  • Reset the location panels to their original position on the map.


  • Show/hide Summary.
  • Show/hide Scores.
  • Show/hide Distributions.