Configure steps required to prepare your on premise iManage server for use with the iManage Work Collector.
How To Video:
There are two main configuration requirements for the iManage Work Collector to be able to run discoveries on an iManage Work server. The first task is to configure a user account that has permissions to connect, query and read the matters/folders/documents stored in your server. The second task registers the Collector with the iManage Work server to permit access to iManage Work APIs.
User Configuration
- As an iManage Work administrator, log on to the iManage Control Center at https://{yourserver}/work/cc.
- In the left hand navigation pane, select Users
- Click the +Create User button to open the new user form. Provide a Full Name, User ID, and Email.
- The User ID and Password are required when you add the iManage Work Credentials to ActiveNav Cloud.
- Set the Role to NRTADMIN. See this Note for an explanation.
- Set the Sign In Status to Enable.
- Set User must change password at the next login to false. This will set the Password Expires setting to No.
- Click the Create button to save the new user in your server.
- Ensure the User Account OS type is set to "Virtual"
- The screen will return to the list of Users. Select the newly created entry. At the top of the screen, select the GROUPS tab and click the +Add to Group. Select the NRTADMIN group and click the Add button.
NOTE: The iManage Work Collector needs to be assigned to NRTADMIN as a role and group. Without this assignment, the Collector will miss any Matter, Folder or Document that has been marked as Private and not explicitly shared with the assigned Collector user.
Collector Application
- As an iManage Work administrator, log on to the iManage Control Center at https://{yourserver}/work/cc.
- In the left hand navigation pane, select Applications.
- Click the +Add Application button to open the new application form and select Configure Manually.
- On the Add Application form, add a Name, Description, Publisher, Website, and Email address as appropriate. For the API Key (also known as the Client ID) and the API Secret (also known as the Client Secret), follow these steps.
- Click the Auto-Generate link to create an API Secret. Copy the resulting value to the API Key.
- Click the Auto-Generate link again time to generate a new value for the API Secret.
- You will need the API Key and API Secret when you create the iManage Work Credentials in your ActiveNav Cloud tenant.
- Click the Authentication > button to continue. On this screen set the following options:
- Application Type: Web
- Client Type: Confidential
- Redirect URL: https://localhost (NOTE: this value is not used, but is required.)
- Client Secret: value should be copied from previous screen.
- Client Secret Expiries can be set to Never or a future date. NOTE: When the secret expires, the Collector will not function. An iManage Work administrator will need to create a new App Secret (Client Secret) and an ActiveNav Cloud administrator will need to store the new Secret value in the iManage Work Collector.
- Allow Token Refresh: Yes
- Refresh Token Expiry: 365
- Access Token Expiry: 60
- Click the Access > button to continue. For Allow access to choose Custom. Enter the name of the iManage Work user you created above. Click Review >.
- On the Review screen, ensure Enable application? is set to Yes. Click Finish.
NOTE: You can retrieve the Client ID (API Key) and Client Secret (API Secret) from the Applications list in iManage Work Control Center.