Configuring Score Definitions

How to customize score definitions

ActiveNav Cloud deploys with a fully defined set of score definitions but these are fully customizable and can be added to, altered, or even deleted.

Before changing the score definitions, it is important to understand that our scoring model is hierarchical. At its most simplest, it can be represented like this:

Score Builder - Hierarchy

The bottom level definitions, or data elements, are where feature extraction rules will be assigned; they cannot be assigned to higher levels.

Note - More information on the scoring model and the terms used can be found in our Score Overview article.

The toolbar gives you full control over the scoring definitions but some options are only available under certain conditions.

scoreBuilderDefinitionsAddSibling Add child definition - a new definition below the current level as a 'child' 
Score Builder - Add Sibling Add sibling definition - a new definition under the same 'parent' as the highlighted definition 
scoreBuilderDefinitionsRename Rename definition - rename the highlighted definition
scoreBuilderDefinitionsDelete Delete definition - deletes the current definition and all child definitions
scoreBuilderDefinitionsSaveScore Save configuration - saves the current set of score definitions to a saved score definition file (sdf)
scoreBuilderDefinitionsLoadScore Load configuration - load definitions from a previously saved score definition file (sdf)
scoreBuilderDefinitionsApplyScore Apply configuration - apply the latest changes to definitions, * denotes a change is pending
scoreBuilderDefinitionsReloadScore Reload configuration - reloads the configuration from ActiveNav Cloud, resetting any pending changes

Adding Definitions

There are two buttons for adding definitions:

  •  Add child definition - Using this button will create a new definition below the current level. For example, if an impact area is currently highlighted, a new data element type definition will be created:
    The Add Child Definition button will be greyed out if the currently highlighted definition is a data element as this is the bottom level of the hierarchy.
  • Add sibling definition - Using this button will create a new definition on the same hierarchical level. For example, if an impact area is currently highlighted , a new impact area definition will be created:


Saving and Loading Configuration File

Score definitions can be saved and reloaded through the UI. The configuration file is an sdf format, which is JSON based. This file can be viewed and edited in any text reading application such as Notepad or TextEdit.

When uploading a configuration, the interface will check that the formatting is correct and will not continue to upload if an error is detected. There are many online applications for validating JSON file formatting.

Applying Definition Changes

When a change has been made to the definitions, either through the user interface or by uploading an sdf file, the changes must be applied using the Apply Score Button button. Navigating away before applying changes will result in the changes being lost.

After changes have been applied, all new discoveries will use the new scoring configuration.

Resetting Changes

Using the reset changes button will allow you to revert to the last applied definition configuration. Resetting changes does not re-apply the original deployment configuration.

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