Creating Date Ranges

Create dynamic date ranges used for Age Categories and Date Filtering

Date Ranges are used in ActiveNav Cloud to group objects and containers based on the Last Modified Date reported during Discovery. The Profile Home Page uses Date Ranges to group objects into Age Categories and the Hotspot Lists use Date Ranges to allow you to filter the results displayed. (See Profile Home Page and Performing Actions on Hotspot Lists for information on how Date Ranges appear in the Analyst and Profile Home Pages.)

ActiveNav Cloud allows Administrators to define Date Ranges that are available across your inventory. For example, "New" items are defined as objects that have been created in the last 3 months and "Stale" items are items that are more than 15 years old. Additionally, Administrators can define Date Ranges for Business Units as there may be additional date ranges defined for their work flows.

Create Organization Date Ranges

From the System menu, choose the Setting command. Your browser will show a list of Date Ranges that are defined across all Business Units for ActiveNav Cloud.


You can Edit or Remove Date Ranges with the ActionsRedButton1 menu. Or use the New Date RangeRedButton2 button to create additional entries.

Each Date Range has a unique nameRedButton3, a Starting fromRedButton4 value and unit, and an Up toRedButton5 value and unit. The Starting from value is number of days, months or years in the past to begin the date range. The Up to value is the number of days, months or years in the past that defines the end of the date range. (Up to can also be set to All. This will set the length of the Date Range to the beginning of time.)

Date-Range-DiagramWhen you have defined your Date Range, click the SubmitRedButton6 button to save the changes.

Business Unit Date Ranges

You can define Date Ranges that are displayed only for a specific Business Unit. From the Business Rules menu, choose Business Units. Each Business Unit will display defined Date Ranges. To edit a Business Unit's Date Ranges, select Actions > Date Ranges.

DataSources-Date-RangesA dialog box will show the list of Business Unit's Date Ranges. You can add, edit or delete Date Ranges in the same manner as Organizational Date Ranges.
