Defining Your Data For Review

How to select data for your review

Using the Analyst dashboard, select the business unit on which you wish to focus your review. From there, choose which score category is most relevant to your review criteria.

Analyst Dashboard

Additionally, you can refine your data selection by specifying a repository, geolocation, or host.

Filtering Your Data

To enhance the precision of your review, you can narrow down your data further by utilizing the query builder before generating your report for either objects or containers.Query Builder
You can filter your data by Dates, Size, Object or, depending on your risk threshold appetite, Score. Once you have set your filter parameters, click the Generate Report button.

Tip - Conducting more frequent but smaller reviews is advisable as it can significantly enhance overall productivity.

In the Analyst Object Report window, you can verify that your chosen selection contains the data that you wish to focus on.


After reviewing the selected dataset, click Create Review

Important - Reviews only support up to 500,000 objects so ensure your dataset is under this threshold.

Tip - You can find further information on the Analyst home page here.

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