Exporting Your Review Summary and Audit

How to export and download your review summary and audit files

When your review status changes from Updating to Committed, your review summary and audit will be available to download. To do this, select your review and from the Actions menu, select Export.

View Reviews - Export

The download is in a zip format which will contain 2 files. The first is a summary file in JSON format which will display the meta data of the review itself, including a breakdown of the decision statistics.

Review Summary JSON

Tip - JSON files can be opened in a standard text editor such as Notepad.

The second is an audit file in CSV format containing all your objects, the decisions applied to them, and other metadata for your objects.

Review CSV

Note - Only the review owner can export the review results. This generally the person who created the review but this can be reassigned after the review has been created.
