Compatibility of SharePoint Extension Service with SharePoint versioning options

This article outlines known compatibility issues when using the Active Navigation SharePoint Extension Service to support migration actions.

We have segmented the article by different errors one may see.

SharePoint Extension Service does not support the combination of Major/Minor versioning and "Require Checkout" settings

The current implementation of the SharePoint Extension Service is not compatible with libraries that use major/minor versioning and "require checkout". If your library has the above configuration, then when migrating to it your action will fail with the following message logged in the SchedulerTasks.log file:

"LoggedException - ActiveNavigation.Actions.FileMetadataException: Exception during FinaliseFile operation for file: [http://SharepointServer/Library/fileduplicate.txt], document was not fully committed to repository ---> ActiveNavigation.ConnectorsFramework.ConnectorException: Error with document finalise [http://SharepointServer/Library/fileduplicate.txt] ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[System.ServiceModel.ExceptionDetail]: You cannot checkin and overwrite a published file."


To avoid this issue you should adjust your library settings for the duration of your migration activity. Either setting the "Require Checkout" option to "No", or changing the "Document Version History" setting to "Create major versions"


If you are still seeing the error above, but your SharePoint library has a site that has Major/Minor versioning enabled but not "Require Checkout", we recommend updating SharePoint to the latest service pack, and retrying your migration.