Discovery Center does not use pre configured web site host name


Application configuration files do not use pre-configured web site host name, instead it uses the server name for web service URLs.


The default behavior of the installer uses the machine hostname, this issue only occurs when using a custom host name for the Active Navigation Discover Center web application.


To use a custom web service URL follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Active Navigation\Discovery Center\Analysis\ANAnalysis.exe.config on the Discovery Center server.
  2. Open the file in Notepad
  3. Find the three lines that start with '<endpoint address=' e.g <endpoint address='http://ExampleURL:805/Services/
  4. Replace the machine name with the new hostname e.g <endpoint address='http://NewExampleURL:805/Services/
  5. Repeat this process for the following three other files.
  6. C:\Program Files (x86)\Active Navigation\Discovery Center\Scheduler\ActiveNavigation.Scheduler.exe.config
  7. C:\Program Files (x86)\Active Navigation\Discovery Center\SchedulerActiveNavigation.Scheduler.Console.exe.config 
  8. C:\Program Files (x86)\Active Navigation\Discovery Center\SchedulerANSkimmer.exe.config
  9. Please ensure you restart the Scheduler service account for the changes to take effect.

Applies to

Active Navigation Discovery Center 4.x