When performing a Skim on a File System or on SharePoint content, correct permissions are critical. Even with access granted at the root level, the skim may fail with a verification error when trying to access child folders.
The Skim may fail when trying to access a child of a parent folder where it has insufficient permissions at the parent level, even if access is granted to the child folder.
The example below illustrates such a situation for a file share index on the location \\Server\Share\Subfolder\Sub-Subfolder:
\\Server\Share - Authorised
\\Server\Share\Subfolder - Not Authorised
\\Server\Share\Subfolder\Sub-Subfolder - Authorised
In this instance the index cannot succeed because of the lack of rights in the parent location. It is a requirement of some of the Windows API methods that the FileShare Connector uses that access throughout the specified path is in place:
"If the string ends with a wildcard, period (.), or directory name, the user must have access permissions to the root and all subdirectories on the path."
Windows and SharePoint interfaces require that the Skimmer service be granted permissions throughout the entire folder hierarchy.