Occasionally when attempting to migrate files into SharePoint, and configuring managed metadata mappings, the files will migrate, but the metadata values are not updated in SharePoint
There are generally a few causes that can prevent the values from being written. These include:
- Closed vs Open Managed metadata fields. If it is closed, then migration will be limited to setting valid values.
- The hierarchy of terms is not being specified correctly in the Discovery Center records so that it can be mapped to the correct item in the term set.
The first step is to identify if the column allows the values being mapped. SharePoint columns can be configured to allow only a specific set of values. For example, a field could be setup to only accept True and False. If you attempt to map in Yes or No, it will fail to update the field value. Make sure to know if the field is open or closed before running migrations.
A more complex issue but similarly common is the related to the hierarchy of terms that can be used in a column. The value that you need to store in Discovery Center to map to that column needs to represent the hierarchy of terms within the term set.
As an illustration, we have included an example from a demo environment, where the term set is "Sample File Formats Hierarchy". If you want to set the term "Excel" from this example then the value stored in Discovery Center must be a relative path within the term set. In this case the required value is "Office\Excel".
Applies to
Discovery Center 4.x