In some cases, users may see Discovery Center partially load, with a variety of popup similar to the messages below.
Problem communicating with the server, please try again.
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
Communication Error
You can also verify the behavior by sorting the Network Tab of the Web Developer Tools in your browser by the status column status. In there you will see specific error codes, and you can see blocked requests
If this is happening in your system, it may be caused by aggressive Dynamic IP restrictions throttling your session. Consider reducing the threshold settings on this feature.
If you turn this on with default values, it is too aggressive for our pages which generate a number of web service calls. Increasing the thresholds will allow the app to operate with this enabled, but it will take some trial and error to find settings that are appropriate to your environment.
This setting is found in IIS Manager, under the site node.
From there, you can open the Dynamic Restriction Settings, and adjust them to your enviornment.