Exchange Online Indexing Fails with 'Error Loading Properties for Page' Message

In some cases, Microsoft Exchange Online can fail to Index the files located in some folders. This error will be present in the logs when this issue occurs:

  • LoggedException - ActiveNavigation.ConnectorsFramework.ConnectorException: Error loading properties for page at offset 0 (attempt 2) in folder {folder_name}[An internal server error occurred. Try again later.]
    at ActiveNavigation.ConnectorsFramework.Exchange.Sdk.CachingMailboxConnector.HandleEwsRetry(String errorMsg, String retryMsg, ServerBusyException busyEx, Int32& retryAttempt)


We have observed where Exchange is unable to Index files when there are 250+ items in the folders due to the EWSPageSize limit being too high for the Index to perform properly. Below, we will provide steps on how to prevent this from happening in the future.


Change the Default Paging Size

To change the EWSPageSize, you will need to modify the Scheduler, Skimmer, and Analysis config files to something below 250.

You can find these files in the Discovery Center install location:

  • Program Files > Active Navigation > Discovery Center >
    • Scheduler > ActiveNavigation.Scheduler.exe.config 
    • Skimmer > ANSkimmer.exe.config
    • Analysis > ANAnalysis.exe.config
  1. Stop the Scheduler service account
  2. In each file update the block of text that represents the EWSPageSize
<setting name="EWSPageSize" serializeAs="String">

Note: After these changes are made, the scheduler will need to be started again after saving the changes. It is important that the scheduler is stopped before the changes are made and then restarted after the changes are applied.