Enabling Verbose Logging in Discovery Center

Occasionally the text logs will not provide enough detail when troubleshooting issues. In these cases it can be helpful to enable lower level service logging. Please follow the steps detailed below to enable logging of low level services.

Steps to Enable Logging

  1. Ensure there is no activity in Discovery Center before continuing.

  2. On the Application Server, open Services.msc and turn off the Active Navigation Scheduler service.

  3. Navigate to the config files for Discovery Center. By default this can be found at C:/Program Files/Active Navigation/Discovery Center.

  4. Identify the configuration file that relates to your issue; see the table below for the relevant file/s.

    Feature   /Scheduler/
    Actions x x    
    Skim     x  
    Analysis       x


  5. Create a copy of the relevant file/s and rename it to create a backup.

  6. Open the existing file/s in a text editor.

  7. Find and replace the first instance of the section below. We change the text in red to the word "All"

    filter="Information" type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.TraceListeners.RollingFlatFileTraceListener

    filter="All" type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.TraceListeners.RollingFlatFileTraceListener
  8. Find and replace the first instance of the section below. We change the text in red to the word "All"

    <add switchValue="Information" name="General">

    <add switchValue="All" name="General">


  9. Save the files that you have changed and restart the Discovery Center Scheduler Service.

  10. Your logs should now be including more verbose error messages. Please provide this information in your support ticket.