Custom Metadata Retrieval in OpenText Content Server

Discovery Center provides the ability to define Extraction Rules for file property retrieval as part of a skim index using a pre-defined set of OpenText Content Server repository properties. Details on how to configure this are included in the Discovery Center help pages and User Guide document.

It is also possible to retrieve other file level properties for content within OpenText Content Server as part of a skim index, with the use of Extraction Rules defined for custom repository properties. To create a rule for one of these custom properties an Extraction Rule should be created of type 'Repository Property', with the property type 'OpenText Content Server Property', and the 'Enter custom property name' option should be checked to allow for a 'Custom Property Name' to be defined:


There are a number of different property types that can be retrieved this way, with multiple different API routes defined in the OpentText Content Server implementation to retrieve them from for a given node, so a specific naming convention is required to ensure the correct request can be made for each property during the discovery process. The table below indicates the convention in use for each different property type available:

Property Type Detail Required Format Example
General Standard file property node.PropertyName node.owner_user_id
Name Additional Language Value held for Name attribute in additional language where this is enabled in OpenText Content Server environment node.name_multilingual.Locale node.name_multilingual.fr_CA
Description Additional Language Value held for Description attribute in additional language where this is enabled in OpenText Content Server environment node.description_multilingual.Locale node.description_multilingual.fr_CA
Records Detail Record property records.PropertyName records.addressee
Email Attribute Email property email.PropertyName email.Subject
Additional Node Attributes Custom file property additional.PropertyName additional.customFiledName
Category Attribute Custom category property categories['CategoryName'].PropertyName categories['Legal'].Notarized

Note. The values in italics in the table above must be set using the correct API name of the respective fields, which may differ from the display name of the field in the OpenText Content Server UI. Depending on the configuration of the OpenText Content Server environment being targeted they may also be case sensitive, so care should be taken when creating or editing these custom extraction rules. The API names of any standard property fields can be found in the OpenText API documentation specific to the OpenText Content Server version in use, while custom Category and Additional Node Attribute API names can be determined from the values set for them within the OpenText Content Server UI.

It is also the case that all node, email and additional property values are all retrieved with a single API call per file during discovery, however all records and categories properties require an additional API call each per file, so a maximum of three API calls per file may be required to retrieve all defined fields if at least one of each type is included in an index configuration. If performance of the skim portion of an index targeting an OpenText Content Server location is a concern then the configuration of these fields in the index configuration should be carefully considered.