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  2. Info Governance Playbooks
  3. Sensitive Data Clean Up and Monitoring

Overview | Sensitive Data Cleanup and Monitoring

Use Case Description

This Information Governance Playbook describes how to perform Sensitive Data Cleanup and Monitoring using ActiveNav Cloud by discovering the objects within unstructured data repositories and applying Feature Extraction rules to identify potentially sensitive data elements.

The visualization tools within ActiveNav Cloud guide users to areas that indicate the highest prevalence of sensitive data, to allow the findings to be reviewed. After the review process validated findings can be exported to be remediated according to the preferred approach of the business.

After dealing with the initial discovery phase, which can reveal significant levels of sensitive data, refresh of the discovered data on a periodic schedule allows easy monitoring of the status of the data catalog, and any sensitive data re-appearing can be identified quickly and easily.

Use Case Flow

1-Preparation 2-ServiceDeployment 3-FirstDiscovery 4-HotspotCleanup 5-WorkflowIntegration  
1-Preparation 6-ExtendedDiscoveryScope 2-ServiceDeployment 3-FirstDiscovery 4-HotspotCleanup 5-WorkflowIntegration
1-Preparation 6-ExtendedDiscoveryScope 2-ServiceDeployment 3-FirstDiscovery 4-HotspotCleanup 5-WorkflowIntegration

Our recommended project flow for the Sensitive Data use case is built upon the core steps outlined in the following sections.

In essence there is no one size fits all approach. The size of your project, the user group that will be involved, and the type of repositories you target are all factors that will influence the best way to follow the overall process in your organization.

You may have already begun to use ActiveNav Cloud, in which case you can select specific elements of the Playbook to guide your use of the platform.

Regardless of the pattern you choose we recommend paying close attention to the details outlined in the Preparation phase to ensure that you have all necessary elements in place.

    Linear approach for smaller projects

    For smaller scale projects which target a smaller number of repositories or areas of the business you may be able to achieve the majority of preparation, planning, and collector deployment activities in advance of beginning your discovery process.

    You can then gradually work through the Discover > Review > Extend Scope process to build your unstructured data catalog and assess results.

    Iterative approach for larger projects

    For larger projects, it may not be reasonable to try and prepare everything before you begin your discovery activities and it would present too much of a delay before you begin to see results and learn about your data.

    In the latter case we recommend taking a pragmatic iterative approach:

    1. Prepare sufficiently to discover your highest priority locations - deploying Collectors, acquiring credentials and planning Business Unit associations.
    2. Begin the Discover - Review process for this location.
    3. Continue preparation for additional locations to be discovered
    4. Continue to prepare further locations while discovery and review has started for earlier locations
    5. Repeat these steps to steadily build out your unstructured data catalog in parallel to review activities

    1. Preparation

    Activity Description

    Preparing the key elements of your data discovery project will help ensure that the initial deployment of ActiveNav Cloud will run as smoothly as possible. Taking the time to identify locations, prepare credentials, and to engage with key users will allow you to achieve results as quickly as possible.


    A project plan is in place to allow the initial deployment of ActiveNav Cloud to run smoothly.


    Project Sponsor, IT team, Project / Program Manager


    • Cloud Services agreement is in place
    • Project / Program manager identified


    • Top level plan outlines goals and timeline.
    • Initial inventory of repositories to be discovered is ready.
    • Credentials prepared for access to repositories.
    • Deployment architecture for FileShare Collectors is understood.

    2. Service Deployment and Configuration

    Activity Description

    This stage outlines the work that is required to progress your project plan by deploying on premise connectors, configuring them, and validating their operation.


    1. On Premise collectors are operational.
    2. Discovery process has been validated.


    Project Manager, IT Team, Application Administrator


    • Project plan defined.
    • Repository inventory prepared.
    • Deployment architecture defined.


    • Data discovery process validated.
    • Initial users have access.

    3. First Discovery

    Activity Description

    This stage may represent the first full scale discovery of the project, or the first discovery for a specific repository type. It will enable you to understand:
    • The speed with which you can process this type of repository.
    • Validate the size of your data source.
    • The responsiveness of your data to your chosen rule configuration.
    • How to review and interpret results.


    Begin to understand the characteristics of your data; act on initial findings


    Application Administrator, Data Analysts


    • System has been deployed, configured, and validated.
    • The inventory of data sources is available with valid credentials.


    Data has been discovered and locations assigned to Business Units for review

    4. Hotspot Cleanup

    Activity Description

    At this stage, data has been collected and you will be able to introduce users to the system and familiarize them with the user interface and concepts (user training).

    Once familiar with the system you can encourage your users to complete a review cycle of content they have responsibility for, identifying content that should be acted on to achieve the information management goals of the project.

    Content that requires action can be exported and passed to the next stage of the project for remediation.


    Demonstrate product utility to stakeholders


    Analyst, Business Unit data owners


    • Feature extraction performed on specified location
    • Content location mapped to a business unit


    A manifest of responsive files or containers that require an action has been exported from ActiveNav Cloud


    A review of responsive files that requires an action has been conducted and the list of files has been exported from ActiveNav Cloud.

    5. Workflow Integration

    Activity Description

    Once Data Analysts have completed the review activities that are appropriate for the organization, or for specific Business Units, then the findings must be remediated. There are a number of options that can be considered depending on the scale of the project and any existing business processes.


    Reduce overheads by creating an efficient workflow and capture appropriate audit records.


    Project / Program Manager, IT Team


    • Manifest of responsive files has been exported
    • Required action(s) are understood


    • Objects identified as sensitive are remediated as required

    6. Extended Discovery Scope

    Activity Description

    Once the discovery and review process has been established, it should be scaled out to extend the discovered catalog of unstructured data to address further locations and repositories.


    Address entire contracted data scope and build a complete view of sensitive data


    Application Administrator, Data analysts, IT team


    • Discovery and cleanup processes established.
    • Configuration and preparation complete for additional locations.


    Prevalence and management of sensitive data understood.

    7. Monitoring and Response

    Activity Description

    Once you have built a catalog of your unstructured data with ActiveNav Cloud, and addressed the findings of the initial discovery, you will enter a monitoring phase.

    At this point you can use regular re-discovery of Data Sources to ensure that you do not allow re-growth of sensitive data risk within your unstructured data.


    • Establish a periodic refresh for all Data Sources.
    • Maintain alignment with organizational policy
    • Move to business as usual for sensitive data minimization


    Project Manager, Application Administrator, Data Analysts, IT team


    Initial discovery and review has been performed on the Data Sources to be monitored.


    Up to date visibility of Sensitive Data prevalence.