Live Object View

How to view the metadata for individual objects within a review

A review represents the collection of objects at the time of creation but the inventory can change after the review has been created.

It is possible to view the live metadata of individual objects including whether the object in question is even still present after your last data source refresh. This further enables your team to apply the correct decisions for objects under review.

To view the live details of an object, click to highlight the record you wish to view then on the top right of the table, click the Object Properties button. Object Properties Button

Object Properties Button Highlighted

The live object view consists of two tabs, Object Properties and Scores. There are controls in the top right to page between objects, view the page behind and expand the view to full screen.

Review Live Object

Object Properties displays the most up-to-date metadata, including a user-friendly path that simplifies locating your object within your environment.

Scores provides a detailed breakdown of the scoring metrics, enabling the reviewer to understand why ActiveNav Cloud has identified the object for review.

Review Object Scores

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