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  3. Data Source Management

Managing Hosts


A Host (server location where Collectors are installed and run) is the physical or virtual environment within or through which a given repository application is delivered by its provider. Hosts may be owned by the customer or provided as a service by a provider (such as Amazon) or the repository vendor (such as Dropbox).

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Hosts can be edited; however, they can only be deleted if no longer attached to a Data Source. Hosts can be attached to multiple Data Sources; therefore, the associated Data Source(s) must be deleted from the system before a Host can be deleted.

NOTE: Hosts can only be added when creating a Data Source; if the Host doesn't exist in the system, you will be prompted to add a new Host. See How to Create a Data Source for further information.

Edit a Host

1. Navigate to the Hosts page by selecting the Discovery menu option.


2. Select the Hosts option from the drop-down menu that appears.

3. Click on the Actions menu next to the Host you wish to edit and select the Edit option.


4. Make any required updates to the Host (Host Friendly Name, Host Description, Collector Group, Credentials, Geographic Location - Location Name, Location Description, and Location Address not editable unless you choose <New Geographic Location>).


NOTE: The only field that cannot be updated is the Host Path, if you wish to change this then a new Host needs to be added when Creating a Data Source.

5. Click the Save and Close button.


Delete a Host

1. Navigate to the Hosts page by selecting the Discovery menu option.

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2. Select the Hosts option from the drop-down menu that appears.

NOTE : A Host can only be deleted if there are no Data Sources associated with it. If there are Data Sources still associated with a Host, the Delete option will be grayed out on the action menu as shown below.

3. Click on the Actions menu next to the Host you wish to remove and select the Delete option.

WARNING: This action cannot be canceled or undone.
