Score Builder UI

Introduction to the Score Builder user interface

The Score Builder allows you to easily configure tailored score definitions and assign corresponding feature extraction rules.

The out-of-the-box configuration can be altered to suit your needs or can be completely re-written to represent your organization's data nodes. 

Parent level definitions can be assigned a weighting, allowing you to give more emphasis to the problem areas that are most relevant to your data governance concerns.

Feature extraction rules are then assigned to your definition data elements either from the default ruleset or your customized set of FE rules.


The main interface is divided into three distinct sections:

  1. Score Definitions
  2. Score Weighting and Feature Extraction Assignment
  3. Feature Extraction Rules

The following pages detail each of these sections in turn; how to create your own definition schema, applying rules and weighting, and how to use view and configure custom rules.

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