How to adjust score weighting and assign FE rules
The center section of the Score Builder is dynamic and will display different values based on the currently selected score definition type.
Score Weighting
If any of the top three hierarchical score definition levels are currently selected, then a Score Weights view is displayed. If there are two or more children for the current definition, then you will see weighting sliders as in the example image above.
Scores at the data element level, determined by feature extraction results, are aggregated and reflected up the hierarchy to provide a weighted average score for an object at each level of the hierarchy.
By adjusting the sliders, you can affect the bias towards the score definitions that are more critical to your reporting.
Ticking the Use Default Weights checkbox will evenly distribute the weight across the applicable siblings.
Feature Extraction Rule Assignment
When a lowest level hierarchical definition, or data element, is highlighted, the Score Features view is displayed, as in the example above.
This view allows you to assign one or more feature extraction rules by selecting individual rules from the right-hand pane and dragging them to the Score Features area.
You can also drag and drop entire data element name (DEN) groupings to assign rules en masse. If you drag a DEN to Score Features, you will be given the following options:

- Add as a Data Element Name will add the entire group as a single entity.

This approach is advantageous because it simplifies updates. When the rule set associated with the DEN is modified, such as adding a new rule or removing an outdated one, any subsequent calculations will automatically reflect these changes in the score. This eliminates the need for manual updates.
- Add as Feature Extraction Rules will add the entire group as separate entities.
This method enables you to select only the specific rules within a DEN that align with your particular criteria.
When rules have been added as FE rules, toggling the Group by Data Element Name checkbox will show either the individual assigned data elements or the DEN they belong to.