
Business Rules

Business Rules comprise Business Units, Scores, and Feature Extractors. The combination of the Business Unit(s) (data locations) and these scoring rules, when configured, are used to locate and search through your data categorizing each container and object and scoring them based on the presence of regulated data elements. Scores are from 0 to 100, indicating the presence of aggregations of regulated data elements, where 0 is the highest and 100 is the lowest level of regulated data elements present.

Business Unit

Business Units are used to match data and scores to information ownership by drawing together data sets into virtual groupings to represent business functions.

Business Units allow you to report on the results of individual Data Sources by combining paths into strategic groups. For example, if you have multiple business-critical data paths that you need to review simultaneously, you can simplify this activity by adding these resources to a Business Unit. See the How to Create A Business Unit for further information.


Collectors search your repositories for data. Planning the deployment of your collectors is critical for achieving the best results. Collectors can work together, allowing you to configure many-to-one relationships with a repository. When collectors work together, they split the discovery and boost performance by assigning collectors with the best network connection to hosts and ensuring collectors don't try to discover data across poor connections unless necessary. See the Collector and Collector Groups Overview for further information.

Collector Group

Collector Groups are a necessary way to divide your Collectors into strategic groups. Collectors can work in tandem. Planning your Collector Groups will help prevent issues and improve performance. For example, Collectors can be grouped into units that align with your network structure. See the  Collector Groups for more example scenarios.


There are two types of containers, Root, and Child. The Root Container holds all the information at the top level of a Data Source, e.g., a folder in a File Share, a SharePoint Site, or a Microsoft Team. Child containers represent the other folders and files in the hierarchy under the Root Container.

Data Map Explorer

Low scoring data can be located, reviewed, and handled via the Data Map Explorer. The Data Map Explorer lets you drill down into the data your Data Collectors have discovered, providing insights into the volume of regulated data present using the Scores. At the top level, the data is displayed by Score, Geographic Location, Business Unit, Host, Repository. See Data Map Explorer Overview for further information.

Data Source

Data Sources are created to allow efficient management of resources. Data Sources manage the interaction between ActiveNav Cloud and any given repository. A Data Source is uniquely defined by its address; the address format will depend upon the repository. Data Sources can be defined at any level of a repository hierarchy. See Repository for further information.

Feature Extractor Rules

Feature extractor Rules define patterns for data-of-interest to identify information within objects that contain regulated data items.

Feature Extractor reports back on the number of features that match the patterns, the uniqueness (i.e., whether the same text is matched many times or are the matches generally different), and confidence (how well does the feature conform to a pattern). Together, these properties indicate the level of regulated data elements within the object.


Hotspots are aggregations of low-scoring data (regulated data elements).


A Host (server location where Collectors are installed and run) is the physical or virtual environment within or through which a given repository application is delivered by its provider. Hosts may be owned by the customer or provided as a service by a provider (such as Amazon) or the repository vendor (such as Dropbox).


Hotspots are aggregations of low-scoring data (regulated data elements).

Object Scores

The Object Scores directly correlate to the Business Rules' Scores configuration. The hierarchy matches the file structure in the Scores configuration and displays the data scores based on Scores and Feature Extractor rules.


A Repository is the type of storage within which a customer manages resources. Each type of repository will require a different approach to connect to and will likely have a different and distinct range of resource types, properties, and structures. Repository types include:

  • File Share - a Windows Shared directory that the Collector accesses.
  • Sharepoint - a server URL used to store, organize, share, and access data within an organization.
  • Teams - the messenger service Teams' chat history.
  • OneDrive - OneDrive is the Microsoft cloud service that connects you to all your files. It lets you store and protect your files, share them with others, and get to them from anywhere on all your devices.


Scores are used to indicate the presence of aggregations of regulated data elements based on weighted percentages and volume of data for each data category. See Scores Overview for further information. A scoring configuration is pre-configured with your system; this can be edited to meet your specific needs. 

Volume Under Management

This refers to the amount of data processed by ActiveNav Cloud, displaying the total number of objects and the size of the data.