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  3. Data Visualization, Scores, and Review

Example: Filtering a Review Batch

Once you have created a Review Batch, you can use the filter functionality to navigate through the results quickly.mceclip3 (22)

1. Click the Review menu option.

2. Select the Objects tab.

NOTE: There are times when there will be a large number of objects to review 2400+ in the example above. This is when the filtering feature is extremely useful.                                     

*By default, the Objects are ordered by the lowest score. 

3. Optional: Click the Name filter and enter text to filter the object's name.

mceclip0 (54) 4. Optional: Click the Path filter and enter text to filter the object's location path.

5. Optional: Click the Extension filter and enter a file extension to search the objects; for example, entering "pdf" will only display objects that are pdf files in the results.

NOTE: The results in the example above have now filtered down to just two objects from over 2400.

6. Optional: Click the Last Mark Up filter and select an option from the drop-down list that appears AllWith Previous Mark UpNo Previous Mark UpCorrect, or Incorrect.

7. Proceed by marking up the results as Correct mceclip3.pngIncorrect mceclip4.png, or Ignore mceclip5.png. See the Scores in Review article for further information on marking up results.

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8. Commit the batch. When the batch is committed, it can be exported as a list of objects that require action. Select the Confirm and Export Action List button.

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IMPORTANT: If you commit without Marking Up any of the items as Correct mceclip0.png then the Confirm and Export Action List option will produce an empty file, regardless if the Last Mark Up was marked as correct.

A CSV file will download to your computer that will contain a list of all objects that require action, i.e., all objects that have a mceclip0.png.